Saturday, November 1, 2008

Caitlin, age 3

Happy Birthday Princess Girl! It's so hard to believe that three whole years have gone by since you were born. I'm sure every parent says that to their child, but it is truly amazing. In some ways it feels like you were just born, but in others it's hard to remember our lives without you. You have brought so much love, happiness, joy and silliness into our lives. Every day you amaze us. Every day you learn something new about the world around you, and you cannot wait to share it with everyone around you. You are beautiful, smart, strong, kind...all of the things that we have hoped you would be and more.
Some of your favorite things these days are your baby dolls (especially pushing them around in their strollers), coloring pictures (and you are already getting good at coloring somewhat in the lines), and reading books (and then reciting the stories at random times throughout the day). You also say the phrase "pink and purple are my favorite colors" as many times as you can manage throughout the day. You love to go to gymnastics on Wednesdays and give Miss Ashley "high fives" whenever you do something new. As soon as class is over, you are the first to run over to the "listening mat" and put your hand on your head, awaiting your beloved stamp.
At night, after you have played hard with your friends and soaked up every possible second of the day, you love to sit in your rocking chair with Momma or Daddy and read stories before bed. After we read, you climb into your big girl bed and snuggle up with your taggies, Monkey, Froggy and whatever else you decide has earned a place of honor for the night. You fall asleep quickly and sleep deeply - resting up and getting ready to start a new day.
"...on the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, 'Life will never be the same.'..."-nancy tillman